Our Services


Tarot Readings

Get a reading from one of our resident witches and learn the wisdom spirit wishes to share with you.

15 min ~ $35

30 min ~ $60

60 min ~ $110

Foundations of Witchcraft

Looking to get into witchcraft but don’t know where to start? This is the course for you. Learn the basics, from sacred space to spells to rituals and more. Join us monthly and soon you’ll begin to empower your inner witch. This course will give you the tools you need to find your own path as you follow the road into The Craft of the Wise! Contact us today to enroll and learn more.

Custom Crocheted Goods

Looking for something more personalized? We may be able to crochet it for you!

Prices vary ~ Contact for price estimate (half of cost will need to be paid upfront before we start on a custom project)

Astragalomancy Dice Readings

Get a reading from one of our resident witches

15 min ~ $35

30 min ~ $60

60 min ~ $110

Private Events or Parties

Practice magick with your friends in a private class hosted by one of our resident witches. From potion making to love spells to incense magick and reading parties, we have an event for you. We will travel to you within Massachusetts and the New England Area. Contact us if you are interested.

Book a Tour through Salem with a Witch

Explore historic Salem from before the puritans arrived to present day while you learn some witchcraft along the way. A.J. will welcome you to town and show you what Salem has to offer. perfect for solo journeys or family vacations, book a tour today!

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